Latest Episodes
"#41: Starting Season 4: 3R's for Trump Time
Daraka suggests a 3 R framework for organizing and action in the coming time: REFORM, REALIGNMENT, RESISTANCE--and in this episode we describe what each...
BONUS: Talking About Ethel Rosenberg with her son, Michael Meeropol
"BONUS: Talking About Ethel Rosenberg with her son, Michael MeeropolFor Dick interviewed Michael Meeropol for his weekly radio show 'Culture of Protest". triggered by...
BONUS: Jeremy Brecher talks about the Green New Deal From Below
Jeremy Brecher 's books on social change have changed how many activists think about labor and anti-globalization movements. On Dick Flacks' long running radio...
#40 Dick & Daraka Talk Post-Election
"n which Daraka and Dick talk about the most important things Left activists should learn from the election results and what we need to...
#39 Talking About Democratic Prospects with Harold Meyerson
Harold Meyerson is editor at large of Americn Prospect, Formerly a columnist forrthe Washington Post and the LA Times, a much respected reporter on...
#38 Talking with Maurice Isserman: Learning from the Tragedy of American Communism
Historian Maurice Isserman’s new book: Reds: The Tragedy of American Communism helps us think about how the organized left ought to be organized. We...